How to remove "complex rule input"?

I had a rule with "complex rule input", then I've changed some conditions so it can be a "normal" rule input, but now I'm unable to revert back.

I've cleaned up old complex conditions and I'm in this situation (with complex rule input disabled):

Then, if I click on AND/OR and choose AND, it's prompted like a complex rule, even if it's disabled:

Do I need to completely recreate the rule or there is another way to clean it up?

Cleaning these up is not easy, and not recommended. Best plan is just to recreate the rule.

That's a pain in case you have multiple actions already set for it...
Maybe could be added a button in that window that completely clean reset all rules?

I had a couple of these that I cleaned up by going into 'Define Rule', scrolling to the bottom and selecting 'No Selection' and then worked my way up until nothing was selected and the rule definition was completely empty.
I then re-selected what I needed.
It seems to have worked for me.

Now that we are at the first anniversary of Hubitat it would be good to hear the plan for the future when it comes to RM. Is there something completely new coming or will you fix all of those many rough edges that exist in the current version?

This is the correct way to proceed, always from the bottom up.

How would you prefer to see our time spent? Cleaning up rough edges or doing new things? It is ultimately a question of priorities.

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You are spending a huge amount of time dealing with consequences of rough edges. That is time that would be better spent for doing new things. And it would also be much easier on your existing fan base if they new what was coming and some sort of time table.

How many times have you answered this question about the back button on the dashboard. Fixing that button is not a big deal but all users who deal with it are impacted by the issue.

Actually, this is not true.

Nevertheless, I just implemented erase rule. This will be in the next release. A major overhaul of Rule Machine could be undertaken to deal with some of the rough edges, especially around rule definition. But you have to bear in mind that the vast majority of rules are quite simple. So for now, erase rule can help not have to recreate the entire rule, conditions, actions and all, but just recreate the rule part from a clean slate.

With respect to Dashboard issues, pinging @patrick.

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