I have recently joined the Hubitat users and have an issue installing a Shelly 1 Wifi switch. I go to devices and add the switch but dont have an IP address and dont know how to get it. The switch is in my dashboard but no communication with it. The shelly manual speaks about installing it with the Shelly app. My question is, Can I install this straight into the Hubitat environment WITHOUT the Shelly app? And if so, How do I get the IP address?
Read the manual, last section "THE EMBEDDED WEB INTERFACE"
No worries, it is easy:
Get your Shelly in your network, using the Shelly App (no was arround that)
Get the IP by looking at the device list of your router.
Create a virtual device in HE
Switch this device to a Shelly 1
Insert the IP you got from your router
There you go
Thats the issue. I cannot see the device in the Shelly app
And what die you do so far to connect your device?
I have wired it as per the wiring diagram and turned it on. I have confirmed that the jumper is in the correct place and I have 30Vdc on L & N. I just see no SSID at all. Even if I power it up and then cross the contacts 5 times as per the instructions.
OK, I'll have to check, when I get home. I got a Shelly 1 which I'm going to use for a project. I'll come back to you.
What Carl said.
Tried it all again but there just seems to be no broadcast IP. The switch may be dead. Time for a return to sender?
Although there is 1 x Hidden network but how do I connect to it when I don't even know the SSID?
I have had 2 doa's both the shelly pm1 But I am still a huge fan of Shelly.
but other shelly's not working until a reset. press 5 times on the reset.
Oops I didn't see how old this thread is Sorry maybe it will help someone else