How to have an automatic default dashboard in phone app

2 days old newb on hubitat here, so please forgive me for the stupid question.

  • How do I set a dashboard to be my defautl when I open my mobile app ?

Can't find the way to do it and i feel like this is an obvious usage for the app.
I want my mobile app to start with my dashboard, i don't want to start an app, browse and click to access my main controls.

Maybe i am searching with my men's eye !


Hello and welcome to Hubitat. What you are asking for has been requested but is not currently an option in the Hubitat mobile app. The app will open up to your list of available dashboards each time. If you want a specific dashboard, you can use mobile Chrome to create a link directly to the dashboard page and have that show up on your home screen instead of using the mobile app.

oh! ok
Thanks Ryan!

I tried it, does not work, it links to my dashboard page, not the dashboard itself.

also, this would not work outside my wifi


If you open Apps and select the dashboard you are interested in having remote access to, you will find a cloud link you can save to your home screen


thanks, found it

thank you very much

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