How to get local IP of the Hub?

I am working on an App that will hopefully use a local OAUTH endpoint. Per the following post, I need to be able to get the hub’s local IP address.

As such, it will need to display the url of that endpoint to the user to be included in the configuration for a raspberry pi based application.

I have tried the folllowing snippet of code which works for all but the last 3 fields. Is there another call to get the “localIP” of the hub?

def hub = location.hubs[0]
log.debug "id: ${}"
log.debug "zigbeeId: ${hub.zigbeeId}"
log.debug "zigbeeEui: ${hub.zigbeeEui}"
log.debug "type: ${hub.type}"
log.debug "name: ${}"

// these 3 all throw errors on Hubitat
log.debug "firmwareVersionString: ${hub.firmwareVersionString}"
log.debug "localIP: ${hub.localIP}"
log.debug "localSrvPortTCP: ${hub.localSrvPortTCP}"
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Hubitat support provided the solution in a private message, so I thought I should share it here to help others.

	def hub = location.hubs[0]
	log.debug "id: ${}"
	log.debug "zigbeeId: ${hub.zigbeeId}"
	log.debug "zigbeeEui: ${hub.zigbeeEui}"
	log.debug "type: ${hub.type}"
	log.debug "name: ${}"
    //note change to these two calls for IP and Port information
	log.debug "localIP: ${hub.getDataValue("localIP")}"
	log.debug "localSrvPortTCP: ${hub.getDataValue("localSrvPortTCP")}"

FYI, hub.firmwareVersionString was added to release 1.1.2

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