How to compare strings case insensitive?

I'm doing some very basic language processing (catching a phrase from my Google Home Mini and than execute the corresponding rule).

In the German language many words start with an Uppercase letter...
But Google gives me sometimes uppercase and sometimes lowercase versions... :roll_eyes:

So the question is:
How can I compare two strings, where uppercase doesn't matter ("case insensitive compare")?

Don’t use RM too much, but I would expect there to be a toLower() or toUpper() function available that would allow you to force all lower or upper case for comparisons.

Me too. :wink:

Usually RM is powerful enough for my ideas, but small hurdles keep appearing from time to time...

It would be so useful to be able to call small Groovy functions (like in this case equalsIgnoreCase) directly - or call functions from custom apps and get their return value... :sunglasses:

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