How to code "Back" button in app?

How do i code a back button to return to the previous page of a multi-page app? The "Done" button at the end of a page returns to the app list, not the previous page. Can't find any documentation. I have tried "nextPage" in the dynamicPage definition, but it isn't working:

preferences {
    page(name: "dashboardSettingsPage")
    page(name: "devicePage")

def dashboardSettingsPage(){
return dynamicPage(name: "dashboardSettings", title: "Dashboard Setup", nextPage: "devicePage", install: true)

If you have install: true set, you'll get a "Done" button (which completes installation of the app--that's what this parameter means) instead of a "Next" button. Remove that, specify a nextPage, and you should be good!

You can also link to other pages with an href, but it sounds like you don't really need that here.