I want to check the temp on the Aeotech multi-sensor 6, and if it is over 80 degrees, turn on a switch. Both devices (sensor and switch) are installed and working, but the Aeotech multi-sensor 6 seems to only get polled or report once per hour. I want to check the temp every five minutes.
Is this a setting on the sensor? (If so, its not in the manual) Is it a setting for the device? Is it something else I have to do?
Using the rule engine to trigger it on and off seems simple enough, but once an hour is way too infrequent for me.
You can send it a "refresh" command every 5s. At least I believe you can. Though I have one of those critters it's not currently in my mesh so I can't test it to be sure but most devices support the refresh. I do the refresh to quite a few sensors in my meshes at various times depending on what I need from it. I do so in Node-red but I'm sure Rule Machine gives you a way to do it. Just be aware that battery-powered devices may run their battery down considerably faster.