How to capture states and then restore?

Is it possible to take a "snapshot" of state on multiple switches, change them and then restore to the previous snapshot states? I feel like I saw a way to do this but I can't for the life of me remember.

For clarification, I am referring to an entire group of devices and not one by one.

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Capture and Restore is in Rule Machine, and will work for a collection of devices. Capture and the corresponding Restore have to happen in the same rule. So one way that happens is this:

Trigger:  Whatever your trigger that starts this...
   Capture devices
   Wait for Event: Whatever makes it time to restore the devices
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In Room Lighting there is an option to capture a bunch of light devices (switches, dimmers, bulbs, etc) upon Activation, and restore them as the "turning off" step.


That's awesome! I didn't know that. I haven't been digging into Room Lighting yet but now I will. Thank you!

Is this the only Option needed for that Capture/Restore to occur inline with the RL automation?

If so -- i.e. no need to "Create a Capture Device" in the 'Other Activation Options' -- then that makes child's play of a very powerful feature!! :slight_smile:

Capture Device has to do with "Re-Capture" as on the Schedules page. This is provided so that one can walk around the house setting lights as you want them, and hit a button or something to capture them, without having to be at the computer while doing so.

This has nothing to do with restore.


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