How to add a new custom driver code?

Hi Guys

Could some please spare me five minutes (I'm guessing), to send me the process of adding additional Drivers Codes?

I'm new, (very new) to HE and have begun transitioning over from Fibaro Lite (Original). So far, say it myself, I've done quite well and I'm so looking forward to developing my system further.

As I said, all was going well until it was the Fibaro FGS 223 turn to be imported. Reading through various posts, I have some understanding of the requirements, ie Metering Switch Device code and the FGS 223 code itself. When it came to adding these to HE, I had to duck down quickly as it came flying over my head so fast. (Think about lol), Without stating the obvious, the intention is is to use both relay outputs for different light modules. At the moment, I can only see the one output despite, at least I thought, copying both the above codes into HE.

I have about 10 of these bad boys and not only am I wanting to learn how to do all this stuff, it would be good to get it right the first time.

As always, your help and support is very much appreciated.

First off, welcome to the community and have a nice stay!!!

A bunch of guides in this part of the documentation link at the top of this page...

More specifically to answer your question...


Also, check this video tutorial. It's specific to custom apps, but the process is very similar for custom drivers:

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