How to access Aeotec button info?

So I added an Aeotec button, used to be SmartThings I believe, and it works fine turning lights on and off in a button controller rule.

But in perusing the log since I’m new and attempting to learn all I can, I noticed that occasionally the button shows the current temperature in the log. Cool, but…

How can I access this info in a rule or as a trigger or… like say if the temp gets above a certain temp turn on the fan?

Sorry if this is simplistic stuff but like I said I’m new and learning.

We all have to start somewhere! :slight_smile:

I would recommend you install the Basic Rules built in app if you don’t already. It should allow you to select your button as a trigger for temperature change. Give it a try and let us know if you run into issues - screenshots of what you have tried will help us help you.

Another option would be to use Rule Machine. Much more powerful, but a bit more complex to use.


I see it now. It’s a temperature event when creating a rule, then I select the button as the sensor. Thanks!

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