How is this for a presence rule for home/away status?

I'm looking to have something that will take 15 minutes before deciding, to catch devices dropping on and off the network. At the moment I'm testing using a push message rather than actually setting the mode:

Any tips? Apps?

IF (Ben, Carrie, Ella, Jack all not present(F) [FALSE]) THEN
Cancel Delayed Actions
Delay 0:15:00 (cancelable)
Set Anyone_Present to false
Notify Pushover: 'Mode set to AWAY at %time% on %date%'
ELSE-IF (Ben, Carrie, Ella, Jack any present(T) [TRUE]) THEN
Cancel Delayed Actions
Delay 0:15:00 (cancelable)
Set Anyone_Present to true
Notify Pushover: 'Mode set to HOME at %time% on %date%'

I'm sure there is a setting either on the mobile app or setting where you can set the away period

Should work, but you could just move the cancel delay actions as the first statement outside the IF because you could change the ELSE IF to just ELSE. If none are present is not true then that must mean at least one is present. So no need for the ELSE IF.