I typically run a couple of sensors in each location I'm monitoring, can help to reduce both false-negatives and false-positives, and can also speed-up the motion reaction time.
Accurate motion sensing is one of the most critical features in HA, as it allows you to create automations that "just work" to turn lights on/off in a way that family members really like. Simple ones like turning on the entry lights to provide ambient lighting when someone walks down the hall from family room to bedrooms wins great praise. Yes, my dear wife, I am a wizard of light!!
I do my absolute best to put one per light, and so far I have succeeded. It takes careful placement and planning, but saves money. Aqara having a 170 degree field of view definitely helps though
Consider pets too. Some companies make pet-proof motion sensors but most are not. On the plus side if anyone is watching my house to see if anyone is home they will most definitely see lights go on and off all night!
As far as I can tell, my pets have not been picked up by any motion sensors I own, but I think that is because they are very small, even though they do fly
(I have 2 small birds. I think their size means motion sensors don't see them)
The ZSE18 does repeat if plugged in, but you have to do different button push sequence to get it to pair as repeating. Also, if you revert to battery you need to re-pair it with the standard non repeating mode because it will repeat still repeat and will kill the battery very quickly.
Confirmed from Centralite its 105 * 90 degree FOV. Since it appears I can mount it in a corner, that will work for me. That is now the front runner for me
Well I got lights done fully. My garage door opener works through homekit (I don't think I will be able to bring it into hubitat). I have a thermostat. My bathroom exhaust fan is automated. Unsure what else needs to be automated. Blinds I guess, but honestly, most of those have a natural state and I don't touch them (mainly because they came with the house we are renting, are all broken, and I am too lazy to spend money replacing them).
Lighting automation is the biggest deal in our house, for sure. In addition to general lighting, holiday lights (if you're a holiday lights type), presence-based automations, laundry automations (notifications via lights/voice/texts when done based on energy monitoring plugs), add text messaging notification support to HE, Zigbee/Z-Wave locks (challenging since you're renting, owner probably doesn't want locks changed), television integration, Alexa/Google Home integrations for voice commands, monitor temp and door status for fridge/freezer to avoid unintended defrost disasters. So much fun to be had!
The real issue there is that we don't have a deadbolt. Just a terrible little handle lock. Absolutely hate it. But for when I move, there are some locks that just change the inside portion.
TV integration is just going to be a power monitoring plug which I already have (I do need one for the washing machine, have been considering it for a while), notifications will be through the app directly or pushover, I have already set up locative so when I get my hub I can set up presence-based automation. I use siri so homekit integration (which will be my control interface anyway). Door status for fridge and freezer I like. I don't know how much I trust batteries lasting in the freezer for tempature monitoring, but something to look into!
I've had buttons & motion sensors in my fridge/freezer for ages, doesn't seem to bother them at all. You'll see others posting the same. Great option as you can monitor for both open contacts and temp rises. A set-it and forget-it (until it's an issue) automation.
Well that kind of sucks. On the plus side, most burglaries are stopped by simply remembering to lock doors and windows.
Laundry notifications are a favorite for us, got really tired of forgetting to check and ending up w/smelly and/or wrinkley clothes left in the washer or dryer all day.
Centralite door and window sensor is what I am thinking of going with. Any experience with that both in the cold and with just reliability? Just outta curiousity.
We used to have them, but that was years ago with smartthings. We were using a wi-fi smart plug and it was unreliable as all hell. Then we went to homekit and it doesn't allow reporting with energy usage. But now that I am moving to hubitat, probably worth doing that again honestly
I use a couple Sengled plugs w/my washer/dryer to monitor energy and they work perfectly. I use a rule, but there are several laundry apps and rule examples around in the forum to choose from as well.
No experience w/their newer motion sensor specifically since I have a supply of the old Iris v2 sensors, but a lot of experience w/Centralite generally and I have never been disappointed.