How Have You Automated Your Computer / Laptop?

I’m running win 11 so have used it on 7, 8, 10 and now 11


Nice... Been ages since I looked at this...

It’s nothing too complicated, just a compiled ‘autoit’ script and a driver for HE


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Hi sidjohn1, I would LOVE to be able what you are doing on your mac, triggering apple shortcuts on my mac!!!! Would you mind describing how you are doing that. Please​:pray::wink:

i customized this

to provide a web frontend to run shortcuts like this. TBF you can run any applescript like this.

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Thanks a bundle for this. Very much appreciated!!!!! :grinning:

I would be interested how you did this. I'm not so concerned with automating my computer but would love to not have to wave my arms every 12 minutes to keep the lights on. What sensor did you use?

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