How does your HE know you're on the toilet?

Actually, I'm not seeing any reason for a motion sensor now.
I've just configured one bathroom like this.

If Contact changes to open,and LUX is less than X, and Bathroom light is off - Then turn on.

Else if Contact Changes to Open, and Bathroom light is on - Then turn off.

The only reason this wouldnt work is if someone walked in on you :joy:

But this way, it turns on when I enter, and turns off when I leave.

If you never go in there and leave the door open, I guess it would work fine.

If you do, it would never turn off.

They’re always closed. First open triggers the light if off. The second open turns it off, if on.

So works well as long as the doors are closed when not it use. You could add a timer for if left on, just in case.

This is brilliant, so simple yet something I had never thought of.

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@kevin, I know this comment was two and a half years ago, but I'm wondering how the stress sensor worked out for you? Did you get it integrated with HE? It looks like the product line requires a Sure Action proprietary processor unit.

It was working really well but... during some renovation work someone used the seat as a ladder and broke it causing the Araldited on sensor to no longer get stressed correctly and hence not work. I always meant to replace it with another on the new seat I bought but it didn't happen.

Yes it needed an inexpensive processor unit.

Ouch sorry to hear.

Yeah I can see that processor unit, which seems to be proprietary. How did you integrate the processor to HE? Wonder if it supports a simple alarm NC/NO circuit?