How does a delay work?

Delay 0:00:05

I think @MrCaspan wanted a 5 sec delay ....

Sorry I was confused they called it delay still.. not a wait.. I found it now.. Thank you for holding my hand.

Because I am leaving the house I don't need to restore but for one of my other actions in another rule I do so thank you ill look that up... Also these actions are called from a few different ways IE virtual button for on my tablet, double clicking down, and voice command to tell google home to put house in away mode.. so all 3 call this rule

Now I'm confused. Delays and Waits are different, and like the different types of delays, will behave differently in some cases. I suggest showing a screenshot of the rule when you are finished if you have questions about when/how this may matter.

In Rule Machine, a Delay and a Wait are not equivalent. Wait will wait for the specified event or condition before continuing. Delay is simply a delay for the specified length of time before continuing.

The wording it just really strange.. on an action you can specify a delay on it which means here is an action but don't execute it now, execute it in x minutes and continue on to the next action in this rule... When you want all the actions after to wait also you just insert a delay only! this makes everythign after the delay action wait till that delay is finished before continuing to the next action. so when they are both called delays but are used in different ways it was just confusing... I figure one was called a wait to make all actions after it wait for a wait to finish and a delay was so you could put that one action on a timer..

Its just confusing to a new person is all. Ill get the hang of it as i think I do now!

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Looks like I have it the way I want it now. Thank you for being patient with my noob questions!

No, that's a different thing that also exists. Confused yet? :slight_smile: (Don't be--you don't need one of these here. Waits can time out, but normally you'd only use them when you're awaiting a certain condition to be true or an event to fire.)

Your rule looks good. Hope it works for you!

It works awesome, but my partner is sick of hearing the Google Home say "House is now in away mode" though, Christmas tree keeps turning off, as I keep testing out the rule. Test it from the light switch, test it from dashboard, haha

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