How do I change a LAN device safely?

I successfully set-up a Shelly1 with the built in HE driver. To make a long story short, I had several Shellys and got then mixed up. After several removals and set ups the HE driver would create the Parent device but not the Child. I get the following error message:

I tried several schemes, but after seeing several warring popups - I decided to ask this question.

In the error message you can see that you already have a device defined that is using the same name of the child device it is trying to create.
Do a search at the top of the device page on the device you are trying to create.

Maybe it wasn't deleted correctly with all the actions you tried earlier.

I found that I did have a RM.4 rule with the same name - deleted it - removed the old Shelly - tried to install the Shelly again - No Joy - same error message.
Is there some format that I can safely, manually enter a new DNI?

If you are getting the same error then you have a device with an identical DNI still in your device list.
Try going into 'EDIT' for that device DNI. Copy the DNI and then go into your device list.
In the search option at the top of the device page, copy in the DNI and see if it shows the duplicate DNI device.
Is it an old one that can be deleted?

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There is only 1 item on the device page that matches.

The Shelly set up is kind of a special case.
When you start the set up, HE creates the parent device. Then you add the IP address for the child. This is is where I am breaking down.
See a successful Shelly set up;

I realised I'd given you duff information last night.
I haven't got Shelley devices but could you delete any reference to all these shelley devices and start again?
You could change the DNI of the device you shared with us and try again. Maybe change or delete one digit.
You may find that the device doesn't work anymore though.

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What is the MAC address of the device you are trying to add? That is the DNI it is trying to set the device to. Apparently there's already a device with that MAC address as the DNI. The current DNI of your device is not the issue, it is the one it needs to set it to which is the issue.

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Yes, I saw last night that the HE driver was using the MAC address's for the DNI. I have a router listing of all the reserved IP addresses which also include the Mac addresses. I should be able to find the offending the address tonight and will update. Thank you all for walking me through all of this.

Boy did I have stuff fouled up - 3 devices affected.
I deleted the offender devices and reinstalled. All is well now.

Lessons Learned;

  • Don't be in a rush to do a quick set up - especially if it involves more than 1 device device
  • Keep a listing of devices up-to-date image
  • I saw a post, a couple of days ago, a developer labels his devices - Good Idea

Thanks again to markus and bobbles for getting me through this.