I'm still trying to learn how to go about programming this stuff. I've had my C7 hub for less than a month. I'm not averse to it but I have no experience with coding. I haven't tried using RM yet, but I know there are some other apps out there that are similar. I'm also not sure whether I should use RM or one of those apps. I'm also not sure how to program all of this logic in.
Here everything I'm trying to set up:
Switch lights on with a button, but the colours depend on time
I have three scenes set up which all use a combination of Lifx and Hue bulbs. The scenes are defined in Hubitat with the Groups and Scenes app. Each scene (Daylight, Early Evening & Late Evening) has a different lighting colour and intensity.
IF Button 1 is pressed,
AND the lights are off
IF it's after sunrise
IF it's before sunset
THEN fade in "Daylight" over 5 sec
IF it's sunset + 30 mins
IF it's not past sunset + 60 mins
THEN fade in "Early Evening" over 5 sec
IF it's Sunset + 60 mins
IF it's before sunrise
THEN fade in "Late Evening" over 5 sec
IF the lights are on
THEN switch lights off over 2 sec
Change light colour automatically, but only if someone is home:
I currently have something like this running in the Lifx app, but it can't cope with presence, so I want to port it to the Hubitat.
IF I am at home
AND the lights are on,
THEN at sunset + 30 mins fade in "Early Evening" over 15 mins
IF I am at home
AND the lights are on,
THEN at sunset + 60 mins fade in "Late Evening" over 15 mins
Light Switch Toggles
I need a button to toggle lights depending on whether a light is on or not.
This is the logic I want.
IF Button 1 is pressed
AND "Light A" is off
AND "Light B" is off
THEN switch on "Light A"
AND switch on "Light B"
ELSE IF EITHER "Light A" OR "Light B" is on
THEN switch "Light A" off
AND switch "Light B" off
I want the same button to turn a specific light on:
IF Button 1 is held
AND "Light A" is off
THEN switch "Light A" on
Update: I installed rule machine and programmed this with two rules. If anyone has any optimisation or streamlining suggestions, let me know!
Turn off everything when no one is home
I want to ensure that nothing comes on and no automations play when we're not home
IF I am not home
THEN switch everything off
AND disable all automations
PS: Why are some IFs and ANDs blue and others not?