How do I add a zooz S2 zwave stick

I would like to know how to add a zooz S2 zwave stick as a secondary controller? I bought it so that I could do a firmware update on the Leviton plug that is causing some issues but I have now idea how to do it. Any help would be appreciated!

I think you attach the stick to your computer and install the appropriate software. You can put it into pairing mode and include per usual. What the "appropriate software" is for that stick I don't know - in my case it was Aeotec's firmware upgrade sw for the multisensor 6.

WARNING!!!! Be careful!!
While I was messing around with the software I somehow ended up making the stick my primary controller. Really screwed things up...

I did figure out how to add it by using zensys tools. Now I need to know how to update the firmware?


I have the same zooz S2 stick. Can you advise how you joined it to hubitat? I hit every button in the zensys application while I am in pairing mode in hubitat. It just won't pair!

I think that if you have it connected to your computer you just open zflash and select USB z-wave interface and then select the correct Com port. It should show up.

Thanks. I eventually figured out. The solution for me was from another thread that used different unsigned drivers. Once I did that it worked. :blush:

I have a Zooz S2 stick and the PC Controller software installed. On first startup and selection of the com port, it shows as Primary controller. I haven't done anything else to it yet for fear of breaking Hubitat. Hubitat is still working.

Where do I begin? Should I try to include the stick from discovery first?

If you are just using it to update firmware, you don't connect it to Hubitat. Disconnect the device you need to update from HE, pair it to the S2 stick and use the software to update the firmware. Once complete, disconnect the device from the S2 stick and re pair it to HE.

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I found another thread with a little more detail, and also Zooz's instruction page but can't seem to get it to pair with HE. I do have the 5.38 silabs software installed.

Not a big deal at this time, I really did just get it to flash updates, but wanted to understand if the primary controller indication was going to cause any conflicts. From what I can tell, it's just like having another brand hub out there in lala land...


I went back through both Zooz doc and the Hubitat thread here: Support of OTA firmware updates for Z-Wave / Z-Wave Plus devices

I see I'm getting the ADD confused with the LEARN.

The first being used to add a device to the S2 stick, the second would be to include the stick to Hubitat as a secondary.

That said, now I'm wondering is there a way to include it in Hubitat, make it primary, then shut down and startup hubitat with the S2 stick plugged in (I know I need some kind of USB adapter/splitter cable for the C5 hub) so that I can use the S2 stick going forward for (better?) range and OTA updates?

I would not pair it to HE at all if all you want to do is update firmware. I do have an Aeon Zstick paired to HE for different reasons. Paired to HE for updating firmware, things could go swimmingly but they could just as easily mess up your Zwave devices.

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You do NOT want to make the S2 a primary. You WILL mess things up.

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Thanks, I did see a reference to that earlier in this thread.

As to your previous post, I was going to ask if adding the S2 as secondary and leaving it for OTA updates was also possible, or not recommended. You say,

"Paired to HE for updating firmware, things could go swimmingly but they could just as easily mess up your Zwave devices."

which gives me pause.

I wouldn't chance it at all. Unpair the device from HE. Pair with the S2 and update the firmware. Unpair from S2. Pair with HE. If you only had one or two Zwave devices in total, it might be a fun test. If you are well into your home automation project, would it be worthwhile having to redo EVERYTHING.


About 2 months in coming from Wink.

100+ devices total including childs and a few virtuals, around 30 Z-Wave devices and climbing not including childs (multichannel outlets, etc.) so no, not willing to risk it for that as I understand the backup doesn't technically contain all the zwave devices info stored?

At this point, there isn't any way to backup Zwave pairing information. I am hopeful that the HE staff come up with a way. They have discussed it in the community but . . .

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Thanks again.

I was able to add/pair a new device and pull the current firmware so I think I'm good.

Another question if you don't mind and know the answer. If I pair the S2 to Hubitat after I'm done doing any FW updates to devices, can I safely use the query/read only features, "IMA Network," "Topology Map," etc. in the zwave pc controller software (and even the NVM backup) without harm?

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Did you ever find out the answer to this question, was thinking the same!