How can I make hubitat push switches operate smartthings hub bulbs?

Hi. I have smartthings buttons. A Samsung smartthings hub. LifX bulbs. And a Hubitat.

Lifx isn't officially supported yet & I've heard the current code that exists is tricky & has caused problems for some.
So in the meantime I want to assign the smartthings buttons to hubitat. Which when pressed... sends the command from Hubitat to the smartthings hub in order to work the lifx lights.
Can anyone help with this please?
And do you think it will help the response time of the smartthings buttons?

Look at hubConnect.
This gives you the ability to pass switches back and forth between ST & HE


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That looks ideal. Thanks. I'm a beginner with Hubitat and haven't a clue what I'm doing. If I can stumble my way through this current setup - I will have a foundation to help me do other things in the future.

I have 5 Hubitat hubs AND a Smartthings hub.
I use this with about 150 devices with all the hubs talking to each other, and passing data/devices between them
It works really well.


Good to know. I'm in a small one bed property. So I'm hoping I can avoid extra hubs and extenders.
I'm thinking it's probably best I make absolutely everything static ip before getting into things too much?
I'll have a crack at settings up my buttons & lights as described soon via the link you've shared.
But I lack even the most basic knowledge of how hubitat works.
So I may have some questions to ask if I get stuck along the way.

It's great code can be copied & pasted etc and that there's lots of people helping each other.

Once I'm half familiar with the basics... I'm sure I'll learn in leaps & bounds then

If you have any questions about setting up and using that app then the best place to ask is in that particular thread.
The authors will probably respond directly (if someone doesn’t beat them to it :slight_smile: )


You mean via the link you sent me I presume? Any questions... try to ask via the instructions page there?

Just ask on the thread for the app (which is the link I posted for you)
That message thread was created by the author when he released the app
It’s always best to ask any questions in the release thread if possible.
And actually, if you read all the posts in that thread, you may find somebody has already answered the question you have


Brilliant. thanks a lot :slight_smile:

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I know it might take a while but it’s a good idea the read the whole thread.
You will see the sort of problems people have had and how their questions were answered.


Will do. Thanks again :slight_smile:

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