How About A Dashboard Tile For Temp/Humidity And Battery %?

I think a built in dashboard tile for the temp/humidity sensors would be great!
Battery % could also easily be squeezed in.

Thanks for your consideration.


I get temp. listed on my (very basic) dashboard from outside and crawlspace motion sensors (Hue sensors do motion, temp., humid.), by changing the motion device characteristic to Temperature.

For whatever that's worth.


Yeah, that's not the point.
I now have multiple tiles for what could be one neat, and concise tile.


That's above my pay grade, but I hear that. :upside_down_face:

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Use the Tile Builder app and build your own multi-attribute tiles.


My needs are simple.

I think this would be a nice addition to the stock offering, and would add no additional cpu overhead, require no learning time, and still be around after the app gets orphaned.

There's been no revision/change/improvement to the stock tiles for a long time, far as I can see; maybe its time.


Why not? That's what community apps are for. I see 0 additional CPU overhead using the 3 simple Tile Builder tiles I have on one dashboard.

I offered a solution. So be it as to your decision to use it or not.

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Thanks. I know what community apps are for. I was aware there are other ways to go about this.

This is not a thread about Tile Builder. It is a feature request.


I think that it's time for Hubitat to reconsider where the Dashboard fits into their overall strategy.
I just read another press review of Smart Hubs and Hubitat didn't even get mentioned, due to it's lackluster App.
It's not that I think that a fancy App is required - I've gotten by a number of years now without such a thing. However, it seems that the whole world measures Smart Hubs on their app.
The fact of the matter is, that unless Hubitat reconsiders their strategy in this area, the Hubitat product, no matter how good it is, will always be relegated to a second tier.
Here is just one such rating:


Fanciness is overrated.
Continued cloud independence is key.


Fanciness is overrated.
Continued cloud independence is key.

Another vote for all of the above:

  1. the request for a combined tile (Temp/Humidity and battery) in the NATIVE dashboard app (I was actually thinking about posting the same request this past weekend, just did not yet get around to it!)
  2. The preference for using the native apps instead of starting to rely upon a community app that could get broken by future updates and may no longer be supported by that time
  3. The preference for cloud independence.

The Thermostat tile has ALOT of info, so there is precedent for this.

I'm hoping the next release of the HE software has UI and dashboard improvements, and native can hope, right?

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As well, I have previously requested for a Dashboard tile to represent a Gas Sensor (we don't have one right now).

It's not that I think that the App is really all that important. I don't. But, it certainly appears that the "influencers" think that the app is very important.


Well, if they don't have some sexy screen candy to show off in their YT videos, how will these poor influencers ever be able to put food on the table?

I mean, I think watching my HE just sitting there and automatically do things via schedule, motion, presence, etc is pretty darn cool, but I doubt it will draw in hordes of viewers with their fistfuls of cash lol.


I realize this thread is a feature request regarding a tile with a specific combination of data elements but.....

I built Tile Builder because the dashboard was lacking and TB allowed people to build tiles whatever way they wanted. While the OP's request might be quite reasonable, I think the broader issue is that many people want different types of tiles in different styles and combinations of data.

It didn't take me long to create this in a new TB module I'm working on.

Looks pretty simple, but there is more to it than meets the eye and this does not give much away. Personally I'd rather see the dev's spend their limited resources doing something the community can't do.


Have you looked into hubiVue yet? Here’s some of my Ecowitt sensors on a hubiVue dashboard.

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Have you seen this yet?

(Yes, it was smart-alecky, and I know it's being taken over, yada yada yada, but it does go to my previous point).

That's stuff is too fancy for me anyway.

I'm just asking for a tiny little mod to a stock Hubitat dashboard template.

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Yes. I have.. I know how much work @gslender put into it (and I do t think he took his initial decision lightly) and I know what great work @thebearmay does. I have know doubt it will continue to be around. It’s really not that hard to work with. To your original point, I’ve never seen any native tiles that have more that one attribute per tile. To get that your going to have to either get involved with CSS (harder tha learning HubiVue in my experience) or a third party dashboard that does.

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I’ll be honest. I was secretly hoping hubitat would have swooped in and made Grant an offer he couldn’t refuse for HubiVue to make it the new native dashboards.


I don't know why they didn't do that....
It would have been an easy big win for everyone...


I’ve never seen any native tiles that have more that one attribute per tile.

  1. All the dimmer tiles have the bulb on/off plus a slider for level of dimming
  2. All the humidity tiles have humidity plus battery in the upper left
  3. The thermostat tiles have
  • actual temp
  • actual status
  • setpoint temp
  • setpoint status
  • Toggle temp down
  • Toggle temp up
  • Fan mode
  1. The weather tile has humidity, temp, wind and location