Hoping to connect - Soma Connect Shades

Has anyone here had any success with connecting Soma Connect Shades to their Hubitat?

I have been slogging through trying to set up via Homebridge with not much success. I am kinda hoping someone sees that that has them and can point me in the right path.

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I have a VERY basic Device Handler working in SmartThings. Feel free to drop me a PM if you would like it to have a play and try to get it working.

yeah call me dumb but do we still need to use the Soma Connect? I'm currently going through that using APIs but it's a bit hit and miss - would be very good to do away with the Soma Connect altogether as I don't find it terribly reliable.

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I have a looped, pull-string curtain on my patio and thinking about making a purchase. Has anyone here gotten this working? Soma seems like it would work, but definitely open to other ideas. Thanks!

Seems like the Soma is not very popular here.....

No! I’ve got them working via and api but no device driver

I'm a newbie here. Anyway you could share how you get these working via API?

I was trying to port the Smartthings Smartapp and device handlers over to hubitat, but wasn't able to figure it out. Was getting "Metadata error: Capability 'bridge' not found". I guess the smartthings smartapp requires you to add the Soma Connect as a bridge device in order to work, but it doesn't look like Hubitat supports bridges as a device type?

Any tips would be appreciated!

If you don’t care about polling (meaning you’d only use Hubitat to control the shade), you can 1) create a virtual shade device, 2) a global variable in rule machine that takes the value given by the virtual shade position via a 3) a rule machine rule that then pastes the variable into the HTTP get request (connect.ip.address:3030/set_shade_position/"MAC"/%your shade variable name%)

Like this:


Hi. I stumbled upon this thread, as I am a big fan of the Soma Smart Shades, specifically the blind tilters, and was looking for a way to integrate them to Hubitat.
I see the example you gave above. How do you determine the IP address? Is that to your Soma Connect hub, or to an individual Soma tilt device?

This would be to the hub. I found that up address in my router’s setting. Be sure to set an IP reservation for both Hubitat and the soma hub IP when you configure the rule. Also read the soma hub API documentation. Cheers.

Heads up for anyone interested in a driver for the Soma devices.