Honeywell TCC Total Connect Comfort Drivers

thanks! I totally dropped the ball on that one.. cant believe I didn't find any of that

Can you share any info on how you're doing this exactly? Do you keep track of the temp outside to determine if you're changing the heating set point or cooling? If it's cold outside, I want the temp to drop 2 degrees, if it's hot outside, I want the temp to raise 2 degrees. I haven't quite figured out the best way to do that with IFTTT/TCC and Hubitat.

In case folks are interested: [RELEASE] Honeywell TCC IFTTT Driver

Honeywell TCC is cloud, IFTTT is cloud. The flow is Hubitat to IFTTT to TCC to IFTTT to Hubitat?

The existing/community driver does TCC 'direct', so it must be that IFTTT makes decisions better than RM?

what is the existing community driver.. I tried this one with no luck..

" Total Comfort API

  • Based on Code by Eric Thomas"

I use this one:

It works for me BUT my needs are ultra tiny.

I have found it shows up in Hubitat's Thermostat Scheduler:

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Thanks so much.. works!

Do you get any auth errors? Also suspect those issues were causing auth issues in their iOS app, though they have been doing maintenance. I was having reliability issues with one version; IFTTT is supported by Honeywell, so I would suspect its reliability to be more so than an unofficial integration. I’ll try your version to see. Thanks.

I get auth errors when 1) I poll too quickly, Honeywell has a limit; and 2) when Honeywell is down. They are inspired by Samsung/SmartThings I think :thinking:

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I updated the repo with v1.2
"option of polling interval, off through 60 min. added txtEnable for Description logging."

I tested with off, 1 min, and 2 min poll interval. My personal use is poll of 60 min.

I also added the IMPORT URL to the top line.

Working great for me compared to a previous version. Using 30 min poll times. Thanks for your efforts!

So when you update do you just replace the code with the new?


I don't remember who made the suggestion originally but it's such a good idea it's been taken up by many of the active coders... add a line at the very top with the URL of the code.

You would simply go into App Code or Driver Code (in this case) and click on the code you intend to upgrade, copy the URL from the top line and click the Import button. Paste the URL there and hit enter.

However, it does mean that the version of code HAS that line in it. It's too new, I suspect to be in the code you're using. On the other hand, it's easy to put here too :slight_smile: :

(Don't copy the * IMPORT URL part, I suspect that's obvious...)

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I updated the repo with v1.2.2

I removed the in-driver choice of Temperature Scale and it is getting that value from the Hub's location data. You can set the scale (C or F) in Settings: Location and Modes

Thanks for the updates. Curious if you have auth failures very often? I see it in the logs daily, even with 30 min poll time. Guess I’ll go to 60.

Yes, often. Especially at lower poll intervals. And sometimes it's consecutive, and those I mark down to Honeywell web server problems/outages. I am currently using 60 min. As I've said before, I could go with a once a day poll since I only 'touch' it twice a year.

But when I do testing, naturally I lower polling interval to 2 min. That's where/when I see the vast number of auth errors.

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@csteele question on ugdating code, I did that, but the previous existing devices still tell me they are old... do I have to delete and rebuild everything ?

The code to check the versions run once a week,


You can go into your device Info page and click:


Save Preferences, running updated() in the driver, which does the check too, if you're looking to speed it up.

Anyone else having problems with Honeywell TCC driver? As soon as I try to actuate any state changes to the thermostat I see authentication errors in the logs.

Mine doesn't work from the dashboard either. It does work from the devices page.

I don't know if this is recent, or an ongoing issue. I don't think I ever got it working right from the dashboard. It has always worked in the devices page.

Is this the error you are getting?

{warn} Something went wrong: Unauthorized