Honeywell T6 Thermostat issue

Is anyone experiencing issues with their Honeywell T6 ZWave thermostat (TH6320ZW2003)?
On several occasions since updating to 2.2.4.X I've had an issue with the thermostat not taking command from the hub (e.g. device page), yet the hub still logs events from the thermostat, i.e. it's working one way but not the other.

I've recently updated from firmware 2.2.3 to, then to .143, 153, and settled with .156 about 6 days ago when it came out. While I experienced the same problem with the thermostat with firmware 143 and 153, 156 has been working great for me for 6 days so I thought it was light at the end of the tunnel.

This morning I got up cold and realize the thermostat again stopped taking commands from the hub. I updated to the latest .158 and rebooted, didn't help. I then did a soft reset and restored from a backup, still not working.

I'm using the built-in driver for the thermostat. All my other ZWave devices are working, albeit a few Zooz light switches are a little slower than usual.

Any help would be appreciated, TIA.

I don't have much to offer as a solution but I will say that I use the same thermostat and have had very little trouble with it. The only complaint that I have is that the built in driver will not allow you to set the device to the "Auto" mode. You can switch out of "Auto" to any other mode but you can not switch back. Kind of a pain.

HE is know to have range and Z-Wave mesh issues. These are fairly well complained about on the forum here and it seems that most of the updates that are coming out lately are attempts to fix the mesh problem. In my case, my thermostat is about 30 feet from the hub. If you are more than that or your signal has to travel through several walls, you may want to try to move your hub closer to the thermostat as a test. I'm not sure if that is even possible for your setup so.... just a suggestion.

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Thanks @bamoore01. Right, I'm well aware of that the "Auto" mode doesn't really work but since I always leave it on Auto anyway it really isn't affecting me. I've been using this thermostat for couple months and it was awesome with zero issue, until after updating to firmware 2.2.4.X that it started to fail. After trying 1000 things to no vail, I ended up removing the thermostat from the mesh and re-pairing it to the hub, that fixes the problem, although it wasn't something I'd like be doing again.

Based on posts in the forum it looks like not too many of us here are using this thermostat anyway so I guess support will be scarce. I love it though, it's fast and it does everything I want it to, and it's ZW+. I used the Nest thermostat for years but the inflexibility of it drove me crazy and I'm so glad that I switched.

Don't know about that. There are several people using the Honeywell T6, including at least one Hubitat engineer (@bcopeland). I want to add that I suspect your issue is with a sub-par mesh. I have the same thermostat (for ~1 year) and have never had an issue with it.

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I have a pair for T6s. Been using the built-in driver by Mike since the day put it out. Only issue I've had with them is that they can be a bit lazy about reporting temperature readings. FWIW, I agree with @aaiyar that it sounds more like a network issue rather than a device issue.


Thanks @aaiyar @dennypage . I'm glad to know that it's not the device (or the driver) as it's working fine for you guys. Will keep an eye on the ZW mesh and logs. Thanks again.