HomeSeer Z-NET Remote Z-Wave Plus Interface

Has anyone tried modifying a HomeSeer Z-NET Remote Z-Wave Plus Interface to work with Hubitat for extended Z-Wave range over the network?

The Hubitat way of doing this would be to get a second Hubitat and share devices using Hub Mesh.

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I have large investments in HomeSeer and many of the Z-NET Remotes (about 15) and would switch to Hubitat if I can leverage the Z-NET Remotes. I don't want to put Hubitats in all of these locations when I have over $1500 invested in Z-NET Remotes. I live on a very large property so Z-NET Remotes control 1-2 devices in various barns, garages, etc.

AFAIK, HomeSeer's Z-NET protocol is proprietary. If that is correct, it would preclude using it with any other z-wave controller.

Thanks, guys for the help on this. I have ordered another Hubitat hub and Z-Wave extender to replace the two HomeSeer Z-NET Remote Z-Wave Plus Interfaces. On the bright side, I'll have a couple of extra Raspberry Pi's since that what Homeseer uses for there Z-Net Remotes.

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