New to Hubitat... was just cutting my teeth on ST when I decided to switch.
Is there a device driver in the works to expose the multi-tap functions (beyond double-tap) for the HomeSeer WS-200+ switches?
New to Hubitat... was just cutting my teeth on ST when I decided to switch.
Is there a device driver in the works to expose the multi-tap functions (beyond double-tap) for the HomeSeer WS-200+ switches?
Their published SmartThings DTH, which I think supports this, could probably be ported with relative ease, except Hubitat's button model is a bit different so it would require more than the typical "find and replace" changes. There is a Hubitat community driver for the similar dimmer, HS-WD200+, but that has switchLevel
(dimmer) capabilities this one doesn't; however, I assume it exposes all the possible taps as buttons. Naybe it would be easier to start there and remove the dimmer portions: Hubitat/homeseer-hs-wd100-dimmer-switch.groovy at master ยท erocm123/Hubitat ยท GitHub
If you don't read code, I could take a stab at this later, or perhaps someone else will find this and already have something working. As for the Hubitat native driver, I think staff have indicated that they aren't keen on adding support for anything more than double taps due to their view that most people aren't able to remember what they've assigned to more than that. (Plus Hubitat's button model only supports up to double tapping, so with more you have to find workarounds like other drivers to, usually assigning higher button numbers to multiple taps and having to do basic arithmetic, such as ร2, to figure out one direction of taps vs. another--not super-awkward but not intuitive.)
Thanks for the info.
I also just purchased the new Inovelli LZW-30 SN, and Eric's device driver has exposed all the multi-tap functions for it (once I loaded the correct device driver). Looks like I'll be purchasing more of those instead...
HomeSeer's switches certainly can use multi-tap on Hubitat, but HomeSeer doesn't provide drivers (Hubitat has basic ones, of course, and HomeSeer does provide ones for SmartThings that could be slightly modified as above). But honestly, I prefer Inovelli's switches, too--on the dimmers, the LED bar is a bit bigger and easier to see from a distance (especially on the dimmers), plus they support even more taps and have a staff member who uses Hubitat as is primary hub, so they write (and use themselves) drivers for the platform. Plus HomeSeer is more expensive, though it's a bit closer when on sale.
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