Homeseer LS100+ not functioning correctly

Hi. I've recently installed my first device onto a new hubitat system. It's a homeseer lS100+ water sensor. I can see that the inclusion went fine. The event log registers temperature readings from the device so I know it is communicating with the hub. The debug logs also register when the device detects water and then when it doesn't but the status of the device does not change and therefore there are no notifications. What am I missing? Does anyone have this homeseer device working on their hubitat system?

:thinking: Can you post the debug log entry when this happens?

Sorry to ask a dumb question, but the button to embed a picture results in a message that says I can't embed a media item in a post. I tried uploading to imgr and then pasting a link to no avail.

Is there something I'm missing about how people communicate information within this community?

You are having a problem posting images because this is your first post. @bcopeland can fix that for you. You can also go through the tutorial and I think it might unlock that functionality faster - Just send a PM to @discobot

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@dara.greenberg you should be able to attach a picture now

The bottom three rows are from when I put the sensor in some water. The top three are from when I pulled it out of the water.

Ok… Thanks.. I’ll check out the driver and see why it’s not reacting on that event

Thanks for implementing the fix in the software.

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