HomeSeer HS-WX300 compatibility


I'm looking got a little help with HomeSeer HS-WX300. Its not on the compatibility list and I have not been able to set it up.

Welcome. I did a quick search on this site and found this. Didn't read it, so don't know what was the result.

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Thank you! I'll check it out

While I'm partial to my driver, there is a built-in driver now (not sure why it isn't on the list), and if the device won't pair at all, there's another problem; the driver doesn't affect that. I'd try the regular tricks first, like doing a general exclusion (even if it's brand new) and eliminating any "ghosts" if you have them. Then, make sure you follow the pairing instructions carefully; I can't remember how, but I know I was confused because I used the wrong side of the paddle and couldn't get it to wrong at first. There may be multiple versions of the manual or old/beta firmware out there that changed things, too, so the one that came with your device might be better than one you find via Google, or directly follow HomeSeer's current docs links as a next best option.


Obviously an oversight.. I’ll get it added


Hi! Over the last year, have tried many times and different ways to get the Homeseer HS-WX300 switches to be included with Hubitat hubs but no luck. Things I have tried are:

  • standard inclusion instructions from user manual
    • tap the bottom paddle 2 times, then press & hold the bottom paddle for 3 seconds (tap-tap-press & hold)
  • zwave repair
  • bring hub to a few inches from device
  • try different hubs
  • try different HS-WX-300 switches
  • exclude first
  • factory reset
  • eliminating ghosts
  • updating Hubitat firmware every few months

Eventually i gave up and bought all HS-WD200 switches and they can be included easily. But unfortunately they are not available easily any more on Amazon or Ebay.

Tried HS-WX-300 again today but again no luck.

Any advice appreciated!
