HomeSeer HS-WD200+ dimmer Status LEDs

My hardware: HomeSeer HS-WD200+

The specific feature I am referring to is its capability to use what would normally be dimmer indicator LEDs as Status LEDs for non switch related Status.


On this dimmer Parameter 13 controls whether the LED shows the dimmer dim status or the external device status.

Now, when I set Parameter 13 to be in the "Status Mode" I can display the status LED as expected, However, once all the Status Mode LEDs are off the driver seem to revert to the Normal mode.

I am using the internal HS-WD200 driver, however I found code on a different driver that shows code resetting the Status led parameter as a function of whether a Status LED is on or if all the Status LEDs are off. I don't know but I seems like the internal drive is doing the same based on my observations of my dimmer LEDs

codahq's driver code

excerpt of codahq's code....

  if (state.statusled1 == 0 && state.statusled2 == 0 && state.statusled3 == 0 && state.statusled4 == 0  && state.statusled5 == 0 && state.statusled6 == 0 && state.statusled7 == 0) {
    // no LEDS are set, put back to NORMAL mode
  cmds << zwave.configurationV2.configurationSet(configurationValue: [0], parameterNumber: 13, size: 