HomeSeer HS-WD100+ Dimmer - which driver?

I am moving the several HomeSeer switches from Vera Plus UI7 to Hubitat. Since I am fairly new to Hubitat. I am wondering which driver should I be using for HS-WD100+ Dimmer?

I tried search for clue in here but most comments are pretty old.

During the inclusion, Hubitat is recommending me to use Generic Z-Wave CentralScene Dimmer. I don't think I am able to make the most features of this WD100+ with this driver. With Vera Plus, I am able to use triple click with this dimmer. Do you have any suggestion?

That driver should work; the most notable omission I can think of is that Hubitat built-in drivers generally max out at double taps, so you won't get the triple-tap functionality from that device with that driver. Newer models of this device have an addressable LED bar, but I'm not sure the "100" model of this device did, so you might not be missing anything there.

Is there a specific feature you're concerned about? If you want to change any parameter values, the Basic Z-Wave Tool can do that.

If you did want a custom driver, I have a WX-300 driver that could probably be pared down to just this device, or here is a port of a SmartThings driver I found that would probably also be a good starting point (or really work as-is, even though there are some leftover ST pieces that aren't really necessary and it might need some updates if you use -- or it even supports -- S2): Hubitat/Drivers/homeseer-hs-wd100-dimmer-switch.src/homeseer-hs-wd100-dimmer-switch.groovy at master · erocm123/Hubitat · GitHub. There are likely others.

But I'd probably start with the built-in driver and see if you miss anything you can't fix with the above first.

Thank you for your reply. I am not sure how to use Basic Z-Wave Tool, is there a tutorial I can look it up? I did try to use hs-wd100 custom driver. It does work with this switch but it doesn't communicate with Maker API (XTension) that I am using. I am going to reach out to the developer to see if he can sort it out for me.

Basically, you would add it as a custom driver to your hub:

(Ignore the old screenshots, unless you're still on that version...there was a big UI change recently, and some of the nerdier documents are still catching up.)

Then you'd switch to that driver:

Then, you'd run "Set Parameter" using the information provided by the device manual. Put in the parameter number, size, and desired value, then run the command.

Finally, switch back to the driver you intended to use for this device (so maybe also take a note of that before you switch if you wanted the built-in driver it matched with).

If the device works from the device detail page, it should work from Maker API, so either the device isn't actually working (have you verified that the commands on the device detail page work?) or something is wrong with the Maker API setup (you could temporarily substitute a virtual device for testing to eliminate Z-Wave or driver behavior as a problem).