That is super helpful!! I should have written down my firmware version ahead of time… I was just thinking to look for the “.6” at the end. Thank you all for your input with this.
One last question about the parameter to turn off the relay. Can I use the Basic Z-Wave Tool driver to set it to always on and then switch it back to the normal driver? Or do I need to keep it on the Basic Z-Wave Tool one? I’ve not used that one before but figure I can figure it out with some digging!
You can use the Basic Z-Wave Tool driver to set the parameter, then switch the driver back. You pretty much have to, since Basic Z-Wave Tool doesn't really allow regular use of the device (only its special commands). Some drivers might overwrite something you do with the Basic Z-Wave Tool, but that's not likely unless the driver knows about a parameter and needs it set a certain way to make the device work how the driver expects. I would still avoid hitting "Configure" after you switch back, despite the regular advice--no real reason to when all should be set already if you were using this driver previously.
I will also update my custom driver with the new parameters as soon as I get a chance to test things out.
This worked perfectly! Thank you so much for that suggestion!
Yes - I was able to look up the proper parameters from Homeseer's web site to get it working properly - the button doesn't cut power to the attached light.
I have your latest version up and running. I'll watch for you to update the driver when you have time.
Everyone: thank you so much for all of your help!! I am so glad to have this up and going.
Just released an update for my driver in the other thread if you're still interested in using that! Should support all new parameters for the switch and dimmer, except the "don't flash switch vs. dimmer mode on startup" option that was introduced (I can't imagine many people would disconnect power from their switches often enough to have a preference and might actually like to see it, the default, if it happens...but it can still manually be set via the Set Config Parameter command if really needed).