Homebridge - Hubitat - Why?

I have 31 rooms setup and I’ve never had a single device cause everything to disconnect.

I had similar issues with an older iPhone and gave up on HomeKit for a while. When I tried again a few years later (new phones, reinstalled RPi), I had no issues at all. Except when I was connected to an AP, instead of directly to the router. Turns out the AP wasn’t broadcasting certain packets correctly. Once I tracked down the right setting, everything has been great.

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Love this thread ... so many great ideas for using HomeBridge. I use mine for the Home app on my phone and watch sine they load fast and work reliably. My piece of crap Lennox thermostat also only works with HomeBridge so I need it for voice control and goodnight and goodbye automations. Love the idea of mirroring it with virtual devices. Will give that a try to see if I can make a virtual thermostat work


When searching this issue I find many posts suggesting this is a possible problem and fix. I am going to play around trying different SIDD. I'd like to get to the bottom of this before I proceed any futher down the rabbit hole :slight_smile:

:grinning: Exactly why it worth my efforts in identifying my problems and setting this up. :+1:

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I guess I assumed you were using a wired connection. Is there a reason you can’t?

I am for the (PI) Homebridge server but I (& I assume Mikee385) was referring to my iPhone wifi connection. Does flipping between sidds on my home network cause any issues? So far it appears not.

It’s SSID and it shouldn’t be an issue as long as the connection has access to HomeBridge.

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Does anyone use the HB Nest plugin? If so, how does it fit into Hubitat?
Since starting this thread my focus has shifted from HB -> Hubitat to Hubitat -> HB With my Nest devices now within HB and being able to control them with Siri, not sure what benefits would be gained having access to them within Hubitat.

I use the HB Nest plugin and Node-RED to detect if a set heating temp is out of a given range then send me a warning msg (currently disabled). For HE - I use the set temp to keep my Nest and Pearl thermostats synced. This is handled through Node-RED.

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I just noticed my credentials get invalidated after a period of time. Not sure how long afterwards (hours?).

I am using the Nest account option and I do not log out of the account but close the browser. Still, after time Nest is disconnected and I have to get a new Access Token.

Which account method do you use?

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So I have an original Nest account login and have not changed it...

Likewise.... I'll have to look at my Nest account settings. Maybe I have a timeout?

So in my first pic I am doing a periodic check - just noticed it is every 30 seconds.. mmmm will want to change that to 5 mins probably.

When you get that long string at home.nest.com/session you will notice there is an expiry date imbedded in this string. Mine was sometime in mid june of this year so that cant be the reason Nest disconnects. I assume my account somehow gets logged off.

Where are you doing this?

I don't know if this forces an actual query of the device or not.

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I got tired of having to update this, and migrated to a google account at least 6 months ago. I only had to set it up once and it has worked perfectly since.


That is interesting - I was holding off because I was afraid I would have to periodically renew. I can't remember the last time I did it.. of course now that I've mentioned it...


After some frustration, I managed to migrate to google as well. Problems I had with provided instructions were:
Open tab incognito. This wont work because Nest/Google wont allow you to log in because cookies are disabled. Open a tab then clear the cache. will work.
Copy the "Cookies" string. I dont know if I was half asleep or what but I could not find this string. I ended up repeating all the steps over about 3 times and finally, there it was in plain sight. :roll_eyes:Sort of.....

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Let me know how it goes.. am interested in your experience with this.

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