Hide 'Subscriptions' Navigation Entry

If there isn't already a way to do so, please add an option to hide the 'Subscriptions' vertical navigation entry.

I understand that subscriptions are revenue for Hubitat but don't make those of us who have no need stare at and accidentally click, a superfluousness button.

LOL. Sure, whatever you say... :rofl:


This is the section of the forum for Feature Requests right?

Just ignore the request or politely state that the request won't be implemented. You don't have to be a dick about it.


Sorry, didn't realize you lack a sense of humor. But, seriously, why would you expect us to take your request as something deserving consideration? Sort of like suggesting we not offer subscription services simply because you don't want one.


I guess I'm not as sensitive to options I currently have no use for. However as a test I "accidently" clicked on "subscriptions". The result was being a new window opens with a benign screen and you can leave by simply closing the window.


I posted this in a PM but will also post here - if you really want to remove it from your regularly used browsers then violentmonkey is your friend... install this plugin on your browser of choice...


and in the settings create a new script and copy in the code below... be sure to replace the "your hub ip address goes here" bit with your hub ip address.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        New script 
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match       *://*/*
// @grant       none
// @version     1.0
// @author      -
// @description 4/13/2021, 11:03:14 AM
// ==/UserScript==

switch(window.location.hostname) {
    case "your hub ip address goes here":
      //document.body.style.backgroundColor = "lightblue";
      var foo = document.querySelector("a[href^='https://shop.hubitat.com/subscriptions/']");

Note: This is a quick hack. I use a version of this violentmonkey script to change the background color on my 3 hubs as a visual way to quickly distinguish them.. the subscription entry doesn't really bother me.


That works too and is probably easier to implement!

I guess I'm kinda in violent/tamper/grease monkey mode right now.. :monkey_face:

I've been playing around with some minor UI tweaks.. like background color changes on different hubs etc.


Thank you. This worked perfectly.