HE's biggest weakness :crossout: opportunity

Ok, maybe some built-in features would be nice.... :slight_smile:


Yup! Especially because the hub might very well boot before an NTP server is available, or internet is available.


Yes, and it would really help those who want to use the hub without an internet connection whatsoever. They would still have some drift, over time, but much better than without a dedicated hardware clock chip.



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Oh, you mean like the one in the extremely hot, extremely cold dusty barn that has continued to operate flawlessly for two years now. The same one I had to lug an old UPS out there to protect and keep alive no matter what :rofl:

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Why? I value my free time greatly, because I don’t have a lot of it. So even though I’m capable of doing some of the maintenance/repairs/upgrades to my home (including for automation purposes), I just don’t want to. I’m fortunate enough to have enough disposable income to pay someone else to do the things I’d rather not do, and that works for me.


I can only speak for myself but... in my setup there really aren't a lot of consequences. I guess the biggest one is the possibility of database corruption. Secondly I have a lot of Zigbee RGBW lights that come on after power is restored and do not remember the power state. I run rules after power is restored to correct that. I have over 225 devices spread across 5 hubs with Lutron integration, Amazon Alexa, IP2IR, Homebridge, Ecobee and other integrations. I control water timers for the plants, lighting, A/C and a whole host of other devices controlled by over 100 various rules. After the power is restored, recovery is usually minimal. Like I said, I can only speak for myself but I don't really see this as a huge problem that I can't handle given some UPS's, relays and the tools available within the HE ecosystem.


And so the logic follows that a lot of what guys in this forum would say... "is easy enough to do, doesn't need to be included on the platform" maybe should be.

I'm still astounded. Too many people act as if the income will always be there in the same amounts. And I likely have the same financial means as you.

I personally see HA as adding to my own life experience, if a product does NOT include a feature, it is unfortunate, but not a negative in the general scheme of things... either I find an alternative solution or I learn to live with it.

Again, we are all in "opinion land" at this point. There is no right or wrong answer to this. Maybe some of the features should be added, maybe they shouldn't - depends on value and cost. Value is subjective, and we don't know the cost. So it is a circular discussion at some point. Thus I'll bow out now.


I also don't like 'idiot lights' in cars, but why wouldn't you like an internal battery backup? Most battery powered devices allow you to monitor their state in Hubitat, and you can monitor properties of the hub itself including the temperature, memory, etc., so why wouldn't you be able to monitor the status of the backup battery, if used?

Because I can't monitor load, I can't monitor battery health, I can't see remaining runtime in any of the existing tools and dashboards I have for UPS monitoring... Plus if every device came with batteries I would have a bazillion batteries to maintain long term, etc, etc.

I would much prefer a few larger UPS powering many devices. One which I can monitor load and battery status on, and replace batteries in one place for many devices instead of managing batteries all over the place.

I have 5 or 6 UPS I have today with DOZENS and DOZENS of devices plugged into them. If every device came with its own batteries it would be an absolute nightmare to manage long term. Hard pass.

If you want to leave the discussion that is entirely your choice (looks like you were kidding... :slight_smile: ), but I would put forward a case that discussing an idea can still help to expand peoples views beyond their own. While our discussion may not lead to changes by the Hubitat staff, exchanging ideas, including yours, can help others learn from your experiences. Perhaps I should take your comments like this as tongue-in-cheek like many of my own...

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No, I'm done with this topic - I don't see anything new coming up at this point, everything has been said I think on this topic. I only posted again because I was asked a direct question. Anyway, good luck all, back to fighting with AWS Glacier for me.


If my financial situation changes in the future, I won’t have much of a choice but to re-think my current strategy.

Until then, I prioritize spending time with my family or other leisure activities, and so I spend money to get some other tasks done. It’s a different approach than yours, but I’m still not sure why it’s so surprising to you.

And since I have never actually met anyone in this forum, I don’t make any assumptions about anyone else’s financial means.


To be fair, for many, a HE hub would be an extravagance beyond their reach...

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Especially since the hub is virtually useless without any other device$.


To clarify my last comment, no issue with your comments or situation @marktheknife. While us Aussie's have a healthy "opinion" of those poppies that have popped their head above the heard, I personally don't have any issue with those that choose to use their good fortune to enhance their own lives or those of their family. That sounds more grandiose than I intended, but hopefully you get the idea...


OK, let me rephrase that, in other words I have the means to do what you do ...but I also don't have the demands of a technical/scientific career routine anymore.

Also, I just very clearly remember the lessons of Great Depression Era parents in the Midwest. That imprint lasts.

There, no desire to ruffle personal feathers here. This community has a lot of great folk carrying on some great dialogue.

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Perhaps I got a little high and mighty.... kudos for clarifying your comments, hopefully I didn't come across as too "holier than though".....

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