Help with Virtual Thermostat

I would be remiss If I didn't say to go buy a z-wave/zigbee thermostat. It is probably a more reliable choice, and you can still control it the way you want.

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@napalmcsr thanks, down where I live (Chile) the heating is done by a pump and radiators, so all the thermostats sold in the US wont work for me. I had to buy the EU version of the Nest, which basically includes a second module with a dry relay. The Nest wifi stopped working so I need to replace it, thats why I am planning to do it this way.


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Do you mind sharing an example with me?


No problem, good luck and if you have issues, there are others that have done what you are trying.

Sorry, didn't read the example comment. I do not have rule machine installed, I use a personal app, but it would be

virtual thermostat operating state changed

if operating state = cooling then
turn on air conditioning
turn off heating
else if operating state = heating 
turn on heating
turn off air conditioning
turn off heating
turn off air conditioning
end if
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And there is this.

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I created this one, any comments?
Screen Shot 2020-05-26 at 10.47.54 AM

im using a dry relay.

That will work, but to make it even easier, put your vThermostat into heat mode, and just do

hi @napalmcsr thanks for the tip. So when the operational state changes to "idle" , for example, the relay will change it state to off automatically? I though i need to take out of that state. Thanks

How I crossed it out above, it should turn on the relay when the operating state goes to heating. It should turn off the relay in every other state.

Didnt work, i think i have to change the relay state,
Screen Shot 2020-05-26 at 2.42.20 PM

right, I didn't cross out the off or the else part of the else if.

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oooh ok, got it!! I left the else and end-if and worked! thanks!

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sorry, I should've been clearer :slight_smile:

did you add the off back after the else? If you don't, it won't turn off.

Hi @napalmcsr
Yes, thanks! Here is what i did.

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@napalmcsr i saw a code you shared to control pool pump, but I dont understand why does include a "fan" option. What does this means? I use a heavy duty relay + Rule.

The only other gotcha is the hysterisis setting on the virtual thermostat. If it is not set to 0, then the temperature will go below the setpoint before going into heating.

You are the first person to notice my typos since I put this out there! Fans should be pump! I copied code from my Humidity Fan app. The app works fine...