Help with Virtual Humidity Rule

I have a couple of Iris V3 Motion Sensors w/Humidity. However, the Humidity which can't be adjusted/offset is off quite a bit compared to several other devices in my home. Is there a way using RM to make the adjustment say for instance by 8% and then send the corrected reading to a Virtual Humidity sensor and use that for other rules. Any help appreciated.

You could create a virtual one with your offset and then @Cobra average app to merge them into another virtual

I believe this community driver has the adjustment you are looking for'

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Just what I needed! Thanks!

Back to this topic again.....The above Driver is throwing some errors, and I really would like to know from a "learning standpoint" if there is a way using RM to make the humidity adjustment say for instance by 8% and then send the corrected reading to a Virtual Humidity sensor and use that for rules. Any help appreciated.

You can use the built-in Virtual Humidity Sensor, and set any value you want into it. If you want to adjust it, say add 8%, you would first put its current value into a variable with an offset, and then set the Relative Humidity of the sensor from that variable.

Like this:

Those two steps leave you with this:

That screenshot is before running the rule, so foo hasn't been set yet to the humidity of the virtual sensor. I was using a Virtual Omni Sensor because I had one handy to mock this up.

Thanks! I’ll give it a try.