Help with Rule

This rule changes fan speeds at different times of day and days of the week. Please take a look at it and see if there is a better way to write it. Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Re-write it using temperature as the sole trigger. Mode should be a condition only in this rule.


I agree with @aaiyar. It would be a different story if you are triggering it by mode, but your mode is the same in every part of your rule. Your rule will only really trigger when mode changes to home. This rule is for my bedroom fan. It triggers on when mode is quiet and off when mode is home. It's intended to only be on when we are in bed. Although, this rule does trigger by temperature and will adjust the fan accordingly. It appears to be the same in your case. You want the fan to be on if the room is essentially warmer then 76 degrees. I suggest making it less complicated and consider a universal approach. Take a look at this rule.

I'd rewrite yours to be something like this:
[Device] temperature becomes >76

mode is home
and temperature is >76
set fan speed to
End if

I realize you're probably doing the time change according to when the room is occupied. You could trigger that to adjust by motion as well. If motion is active kick up to medium-high or high and back down when room is unoccupied.

I don't use this particular rule any more, so if you were to do something like this, I always meant to fix the difference in temperature. With the temperatures so close together I had constant changing speed. I'd adjust the rule to have some slosh between the temperatures so it cools a few degrees below the trigger to the next temperature so something like >70 and <72 then fan speed and >74 and <76 then fan speed. So that the temp would drop below 72 and slow down and remain at the speed until the temp rises above 74 before it kicked up. If that makes sense?


You make a lot of sense. I tried the Motion thing, but my kitchen is 30X16 and the MS on the ceiling doesn't work very good. If we are walking around it works OK but it we are just sitting and eating not so much. Maybe I need 2 sensors and make a zone. I will work on this rule till I get it correct. Thanks


I have a sensor in the light fixture above all of the work areas in my kitchen and above the table in the dining room. Keeps my lights on pretty well. I have a lot of motion sensors in my kitchen/dining to keep the lighting "without effort" - iris motions


Thanks for the input. 1 ?. Should I set it to a particular temp or "changed". I will get more sampling of the rule if I used "changed". Besides I am looking at 2 different temps 76 & 77, or just put both temps in the trigger.

Next question, what if someone has set the fan with the remote control and the temp changes. Won't the rule run again and override the remote's setting. How do I get the rule to look to see if the fan is already ON and not change? I was thinking Local variable but I don't know how to do that.

You could simply add "and fan is off" to the rule then the fan will set the level and turn on only if it's off.

OKie Dokie, I will give that a try.

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mode is home
and fan is off
and temperature is >76