Help with my rules

you mean in your example, the booleans the wrong way around ?

In your example, will the rule run less often ?
I dont want to increase the overhead on my HE if it could be written a better way.

*Realistically do you need the boolean in any of these rules ?

In the example I gave I set the Boolean to FALSE two times. One should have set it to TRUE and the other to FALSE.

The rule won't run any less but it will consume less resources because if you're not in one of those modes the rule will exit instead of evaluating the other conditions.

You need the boolean because if it isn't there the Repeat will run every time the temp changes. This way the boolean makes sure it only runs once when the temp initially becomes >= 35

I cant work out how to get the IF THEN first line and then get a IF second line @JNS
is it simple conditional ?

*deleted and started again and got it.

I didn't do this for a reason, had I, a better way would be to do a simple condition of NOT that then exit rule that is the most efficient BUT it creates a edge case the same as yours does. If it repeats and the mode changes to one of the ones he doesn't want the repeat to happen, it will keep repeating none stop until the mode is returned and the rule is evaluated to false.

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this new way I have done it isnt the best?

is this older one better?

The best way should be

Temperature changed

IF (mode X AND temp Y AND private boolean true) THEN
Set Private Boolean to F
IF (door closed) repeat every 5 mins (note no THEN because it's a simple condition)
ELSE-IF (temperature Z OR door open) THEN
Stop repeating actions
Set private boolean to T

if anything, I am getting better navigating RM

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Yes looks good, let us know if it runs how its expected.

The door should be directly linked to the repeat in a while loop now.

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thank you both for helping me navigate it, its very much out of my depth / comfort zone

I didn't think of that but you are correct. That's what I get for building rules on the fly.

This is the correct way to write the rule.

That's why I missed the door case :rofl: it's hard doing it from memory when not at the hub.

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@stevebott123 if this works as expected then, apply that to the rest of the rules that are similar. Then we can work on the fan one, that's abit more complex and I will need to be at the PC for.

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