Help with Internal Server Error

I have webhook code that has worked just fine for a while, but it's now throwing an exception based on an Internal Server Error code. Does this suggest there's an issue on my end or on the server's end?

Here's the relevant code:

def webhookHttp(url, jsonBody, type=null, ctrlId) {
    if (debugLogging) { log.debug "webhookHttp($url, $jsonBody, $type, $ctrlId)" }
    def response = null
    def cmdParams = [
        uri: url,
        requestContentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8",
        headers: ["Authorization": "Bearer ${atomicState?.authToken}", "Content-Type": "application/json"],
        body: jsonBody
    try {
        if(type == "post") {
            httpPost(cmdParams) { resp ->
                response = resp
        else if(type == "put") {
            httpPut(cmdParams) { resp ->
                response = resp
        else if(type == "delete") {
            httpDelete(cmdParams) { resp ->
                response = resp
    } catch(Exception e) {
        log.error "webhookHttp Exception Error: ${e.message}"

Here's the debug output:

> app:7062020-09-11 12:46:26.135 pm error webhookHttp Exception Error: Internal Server Error
> app:7062020-09-11 12:46:25.579 pm debug webhookHttp(, {"id":["XXXXX"],"externalId":"Rachio Community","url":"","eventTypes":[{"id":"5"},{"id":"10"},{"id":"9"}]}, put, XXXXXX)

Here's the API definition



Example Usage:

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 8e600a4c-0027-4a9a-9bda-dc8d5c90350d" -d '{ "id":"79667c29-bd07-428d-9c29-23e18b023978", "externalId" : "external company ID", "url":"","eventTypes":[{"id":"1"},{"id":"2"}]}'

Result Format


HTTP/1.1 200 OK { "createDate": 1416877798305, "id": "79667c29-bd07-428d-9c29-23e18b023978", "url": "", "externalId" : "external company ID", "eventTypes": [ { "createDate": 1416544265115, "lastUpdateDate": 1416544265115, "id": 1, "name": "SCHEDULE_ACTION", "description": "A schedule action has occurred", "type": "WEBHOOK" }, { "createDate": 1416544265115, "lastUpdateDate": 1416544265115, "id": 2, "name": "ZONE_ACTION", "description": "A zone action has has occurred", "type": "WEBHOOK" } ] }

What's the _httpGet reference in the log relate to, i.e. the first log entry at the bottom? The api defines the call as a put

Probably ignore that, I see you have the right type in the middle log entry from within your code ...

Yeah, sorry, that was a different call to get the event types. So that log entry isn't relevant. I deleted now it to remove confusion.

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Anyone have any ideas?