Help removing Jason0x43 Nest Integration

I have updated to the latest firmware and want to use the official Nest integration.
I'm trying to remove the App created using Jason0x43 app and driver code, but there is no remove button in the app. I can't remove the Apps code because it is in use. I can't remove the driver and get a SQL error.

Any help on cleaning up the old app would be appreciated - or info on how to perform a factory reset.

On the Apps screen, there's a column of Blue i - click on the one for your app and there's a Remove App button within... at the very bottom.

Re: factory reset. It's a multi step process involving a custom made USB memory stick to reset the HUB. It's a completely different task to reset the USB Stick.

Open a support ticket, since these steps are (quite obviously) destructive, they might have an in-between solution.

That's the problem - there is no Remove App button at the bottom

On the Apps page click on the little blue icon.

Then scroll to the bottom to find the Remove button.

Seems this is a (common) bug - the button doesn't show in Safari on MacOS 10.13.6

I had to download and install Chrome to see the button.

You can right click on the "i" as well and open in a new tab, or while mousing over it or in the app, grab the app id and visit this url http://[hubip]/installedapp/status/[appid] where [hubip] is your hub ip and [appid] is the app's id

Ah, sorry about that. I noticed that issue (the missing Remove button) when I went to uninstall the app myself yesterday. I pushed an update that enables the remove button if anyone else needs it.

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I appreciate the effort you put in prior to the official App becoming available