Help please with Hue Button

Iā€™m in the UK & very new to Hubitat.
I have just started my HA journey with a couple of Innr sockets and a Hue motion sensor controlling 2 lamps. All fine. I bought a Hue smart button and cant get the physical button to respond. The action works fine in the UI devices page and fine as a dashboard button tile. When i press the button it flashes orange for about 20 seconds or so. It seemed to pair ok when i ran zigbee discover devices. Can anyone advise what I have done wrong please? Tia

I think the Orange light normally indicates either a comm's issue in general or that it can't communicate at all. As a test, open up the device setup page and look at the "Last Activity" value in the Device Details section at the bottom (you may need to refresh your browser...)

If you don't see anything it could be an issue with it dropping off the network. Perhaps try going through the pairing proces again....?

thanks for the quick reply, I'll try re- pairing. I do have entries in the event log but these are relating to pushes from the dashboard tile or device page push icon. just tried the physical button again with the events open but no response. Did same from dashboard & an entry saying button 1 pushed appeared instantly.

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No response in the events page from a physical push would tell me there is not comm's happening between the device and the hub, but there may be one or two more things to try, including re-pairing, next would probably be a change of battery to rule that out... But try-repairing first...

I removed the button from hubitat then re-added & paired as though a new device which did the trick- thank you!

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So... my next question now please, is ... can this button be programmed to respond to a double click as in one click for on and two clicks for off or a toggle , so on or off depending upon the state of the device switch its connected to . I want to use it to turn on & off a bedroom table lamp which will for now be connected to one of my Innr sockets.

Now resolved - I found the toggle action & it works just how I want it to.

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