Help! NodeRed and MQTT

No worries, and while this isn't a node-red specific help forum, there are many people on here that use it and can try to help in a pinch!

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I'm trying to get one message output from two contact sensor in node red and have been looking on line and reading and experimenting with different nodes but so far no luck? Can someone point me in the right direction or have an example of how this would work? Thanks when I open either door I have a light that comes on and would like the light to go off only when both contacts is closed.

Apologies - I misunderstood your post. You ARE getting events but you effectively want to group them..

Lots of ways to do this. This is one simple way:

My preferred option is to save msg.payload.value from each device node to a variable, and check the status of that variable before turning the light off.


Yes I getting the open and closed from both contact sensors and when one door open and it's a certain time or dark, the light will come on but when one door closes and the other door is still open it will turn off the light but I'm trying to get the light off only after both doors are closed? Hope that make sense.

The sequence I posted just above your post explains how to do that.


@aaiyar Thank you so much for the info you sent as it was very helpful and I was able to get it to work. It seems that it was a simple solution and like normal I was over thinking it, anyhow thanks for all you do for the community.