Help me make my garment steamer more convenient

I've got an older garment steamer that I want to make a little more user friendly. It has a three-position toggle switch:

Left: on
Center: off
Right: standby.

The toggle switch in the body of the steamer, meaning that while doing a bunch of shirts I have to bend down multiple times for each shirt to switch it from on to standby and back again. I've got a really bad back and would like to replace the toggle switch within a controllable 3 position relay, and then use a button (and button controller) to choose the position.

I'd appreciate help in figuring out how to achieve this most easily.


Don't over think it. I am thinking more of a simple outlet controller such as an Iris 3210-L Zigbee controlled outlet or equivalent paired with an Iris 3410-L Zigbee button controller or equivalent. Set the button controller to toggle the outlet on and off and just leave the steamer in the on position. Once it is heated, just cycling it on and off should be just as convenient as the standby/on if you are not taking a lot of time between shirts. The steamer shouldn't lose too much heat between shirts and you will save your back.

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A good point - and easily done!

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What about an even simpler solution - main power switch coupled with an SPDT footswitch to toggle between on and standby. No more bending over.

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Won't that be the same as going from on to off and not from on to standby though? Or was that your ultimate goal?

My goal was on to standby. However, @StephenH is correct. It's on standby for such a short time while it's in use, that on/off would probably be sufficient.

See, I was going to low-tech with you....

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I've got one of those. Doesn't work.

(see I've been there .....)

Edit - even modified it to replace the rubber cups with something more solid.


Damn. How strong a switch is this?!? Then yeah, I would go with the external plug. Safest bet for something.

Fair amount of resistance and while I described it as a toggle, it's really a three position rocker.

Going to plug into a Tradri and use a Xiaomi button to toggle it on/off.