Help! HSM stuck in arming loop

Help, my HSM seems to be in a loop. The top right of the screen shows constant loading icon. I am in inside the house, but still it is showing "arming away in..." and some how it is a big number. Arming night is also stuck there just changing numbers.

I suggest that you open the App Status page for it and remove it. Start over.

oh :frowning: but any thoughts on why this happened? recreating all the configuration again is a pain and I might miss or misconfigure something by error

Not a clue, but it sounds like a refresh loop. No one has ever reported one before, so one possibility is some corruption in your database that affected HSM's internal state. You might be advised to do a backup/soft-reset/restore sequence.

I have removed the delay for night arm. It seems fine now. i will continue to monitor. Now I only have away arm delay configured.

I am having the same issue now. I am going to try to turn off the delay as well to see if that helps but there is clearly an issue with the settings.

I took off the delays and tested and things are working fine now. Must be an issue with using the delays.