Hello! I'm new and looking for assistance with motion sensors, as well as switches and button controllers - info inside

I recently purchased a hubitat, and so far it's going fine. To cut to the chase, here's the types of devices I have:

Lots of sengled RGBW zigbee bulbs
Three linkind motion sensors (zigbee)
An ecobee
Two innr zigbee smart plus (for repeating signal)
An abode home security system
two sengled button controllers
Four amazon echoes (one gen 4 w/ zigbee hub, 3 dots)

I'm loving the start of automating my home, but I am running into some issues.

First, I have the linkind motion sensors running a motion light automation using the bathroom lights which are sengled zigbee lights.

They are not as reliable or responsive as I would like. Controlling the lights through the amazon echo skill set up through hubitat is very responsive, or through the hubitat dashboard, but the motion triggering is variable: sometimes it's perfect, other times there is a bad delay.

Am I just using poor quality motion sensors?

Also, I have two sengled button controllers, but they feel cheap and are hard to push the buttons, and I dont like them.

I would like to find an amazing feeling switch to use but I am not coming up with much. I would like something that feels solid, that kids and wife can easily press when not using their voice to operate the lights. That's more important than having a dimming control, but that would be good too.

And having something with an LED on them to see where the switch in the dark would be yet another bonus.

What kind of motion sensors will give me a more reliable and responsive experience?
Is it something I'm doing wrong with the automation?

What switches or button controllers can I use to get something viable that doesnt' feel like plastic trash?

Thanks in advance.

Hue Motion Sensors are a popular choice, though expensive, and are the only one's I have used, but don't take that as a ringing endorsement compared to any alternatives. I guess I just chose well..... :rofl:

Motion sensors are one of those perennial topics that come up regularly, so there are existing threads that will provide the spectrum of peoples views and experiences, I suggest taking a look for some, I'll see if I can find some over the next day or two. That said, things change and it's always good to re-visit such fundamental parts of a HA setup with different people coming onboard and new devices becoming available.

For buttons and other controls I have still, predominantly stuck with Hue, and will leave others to comment on the aesthetics, I'm not that worried myself. I do have Samsung Buttons and Ikea On/Off switches, but for lighting it is mostly the Hue Dimmer that I have used, though paired via Conbee2 stick on my raspberry pi.

Not sure if that helps....


I have been using the Aeotec Multisensors and they have been doing very well so far. They are quite responsive, but I have been having issues with the sensors picking up very small motion (for example, if I am in the Kitchen standing in one place and chopping veggies, the sensors can't detect me).

I chose those becuase they can be wired. I want to minimise the number of devices I have with batteries.


That is a good point, while I haven't had to replace any Hue motion sensor batteries in almost 3 years, that has not been the case for all my battery powered sensors, including a number of Samsung contact sensors and SensorPush temperature / humidity sensors. I am starting replace them now, some in a much shorter timeframe than I would like, and the cost mounts up, not to mention the environmental cost.

I've used a bunch of motion sensors... the ST sensors are pretty nice and I really like the mount. They are now being made by Aeotec and are zigbee. There is no sensitivity adjustment with the native driver though. I have also used the Aeotec trisensor and multi sensor. They're nice little units but they're zwave. The Hue works fine but I don't like the mount. Zooz are OK but NOT the 4:1 Zooz... and also zwave. I also use the Aeotec "mote" line of buttons. Also zwave but they work well. I usually do a search in the forums before I buy a sensor and see what issues people have with them before making a decision.

Dunno about that alarm system... that may be a tough one.

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I have had some trouble with the MS6 - at least in the US. It has issues with repeating due to the small cache size. There used to be a trick where you pair the MS6 on batteries first then switch to usb power and it would not repeat. Not sure this is still true. I have 2 MS6's left (with the latest firmware) and they are both on usb power but also on the edge of my network.

I have used Inovelli 4-in-1 sensors which are also usb powered. These seem to work okay but are a little slow compared to zigbee sensors.


I prefer NYCE and Hue motion sensors..

Lutron PICO controllers... Da' best

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Concerning the pico controllers, I want something that is either zigbee or zwave (not wifi). Any suggestions?

Maybe the aeotec quad or nano mote?

Pico's are clear connect. And they're tanks. You cannot beat Lutron..

The Zooz Zen34 might be another option. First place to check might be the compatible device list and search for button controllers.

Depending on what you want to do, I recently bought a Hue Tap Dial for controlling two lamps in the far corners of a room. Without a Hue bridge it's potential is under utilitzed, but it is a simple and compact 4 button interface, which is what I was looking for.

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