I have had a Kwikset 190 up and running great (excet for the time it became unresponsive becuse the batteries were dead), and it recently stopped repsonding.
HE can see it, it shows up in my logs, but I can't control it. Here is a snippet of my recent logs, during this time I tried to change the state of the lock both through the web interface and the app...
dev:1422021-01-26 05:48:49.194 pm infoGarage Door Lock is locked
dev:1422021-01-26 05:48:49.190 pm debugDoorLockOperationReport: DoorLockOperationReport(doorCondition:0, doorLockMode:255, insideDoorHandlesMode:0, lockTimeoutMinutes:254, lockTimeoutSeconds:254, outsideDoorHandlesMode:0)
dev:1422021-01-26 05:48:49.180 pm debugparse: zw device: 2D, command: 9881, payload: 00 62 03 FF 00 00 FE FE , isMulticast: false
dev:1422021-01-26 05:48:38.972 pm infoGarage Door Lock battery is 100%
dev:1422021-01-26 05:48:38.968 pm debugBatteryReport: BatteryReport(batteryLevel:100)
dev:1422021-01-26 05:48:38.948 pm debugparse: zw device: 2D, command: 9881, payload: 00 80 03 64 , isMulticast: false
dev:1422021-01-26 05:48:28.991 pm infoGarage Door Lock is locked
dev:1422021-01-26 05:48:28.987 pm debugDoorLockOperationReport: DoorLockOperationReport(doorCondition:0, doorLockMode:255, insideDoorHandlesMode:0, lockTimeoutMinutes:254, lockTimeoutSeconds:254, outsideDoorHandlesMode:0)
dev:1422021-01-26 05:48:28.938 pm debugparse: zw device: 2D, command: 9881, payload: 00 62 03 FF 00 00 FE FE , isMulticast: false
dev:1422021-01-26 05:47:21.590 pm infoGarage Door Lock was locked manually [physical][21]
dev:1422021-01-26 05:47:21.586 pm debugalarmv2.AlarmReport: AlarmReport(alarmLevel:1, alarmType:21, eventParameter:[], numberOfEventParameters:0, zensorNetSourceNodeId:0, zwaveAlarmEvent:0, zwaveAlarmStatus:0, zwaveAlarmType:0)
dev:1422021-01-26 05:47:21.448 pm debugparse: zw device: 2D, command: 9881, payload: 00 71 05 15 01 , isMulticast: false
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