So I was out last night and when I got in I was confronted by She who Must be Obeyed asking if I had been playing with the lights remotely, apparently the lights in the house were turning off and when she turned them back on 20 minutes later they turned off again, this happened 3 times whilst I was out. So looked into the system and nothing had been logged in fact nothing at all had been logged on the light switches. I then tried turning some switches on and off at the wall switch and again nothing was being reported, if I went to the device and clicked on the light went on but the report said off. So bit the bullet and reset my ZigBee devices and then started going round rejoining them, got to midnight and went to bed will finish them off tonight. The ones that are rejoined all report properly now.
That sucks! Could be one of many things that it's probably hard for anyone to help troubleshoot. Could be motion lighting not set up right. Could be a change in mode that triggered them to turn off. Could be your presence devices was arriving and departing while you were away or hers. Could be a rule or automation you've set up not working as intended. I guess it could also be a bad mesh? Hope you get it fixed!