Has someone integrated a Shelly TRV?

Just bought a couple of the Shelly TRVs - Slightly tortuous connection (compared to Z-Wave.....), but seems to be working nicely, even updated the firmware :slight_smile: Thanks!
Will the TRV driver code make its way into the repository at some point?

And..... Whilst in the 'device edit' state, I can see all the nice thermostat related things, elsewhere, they just look like either valves or temperature sensors......

Quick prod in this topic - is there any ongoing support for the Shelly TRVs working properly as thermostats...?

OK, my next Spirit is gone out of life. Can I finally conclude that the Shelly TRV didn't make his way to Hubitat and that it's not a choice ?

My Shelly TRV has been working fine with Scott’s driver code posted above.

No, you can't.
My Shelly TRV works like a charm.

OK. I thought so because the driver does not figure on the official driver page. Is this an official driver release ?
Are you able to set and get the following information :

Many thanks in advance for your feedback that will be very valuable for me :wink:

No, there is no "official" driver, but the already mentioned driver from @Evilborg:

TBH I don't know what :arrow_up: this :arrow_up: driver exactly supports, as I'm using my own Shelly drivers (I prefer minimalistic drivers and do the config via Shellys' own GUI).

it supports basic control... just look at the source... its not hard to see what it does

OK, got one and it's a headache.
The good new are :

  • I was able to install it and to configure it with the Shelly App
  • I was able to integrate it into Hubitat (after a long period of trials and finally found that it has to be a virtual device.
  • In the driver page I can set the temperature, see the room temperature and see the battery.

What I am really missing :

  • I can not poll the set temperature, so I can't read the set temperature. This is important for rules.
  • It does not use modes, but that may be my problem to modify rules. Does a temperature set to zero mean that it is OFF ?

What is very bad :

  • I can't pilot it in the dashboard as I only get this :
    So no arrows to set temperature.


  • Is it possible to add polling the set temperature to the driver ?
  • Is it possible to return a simulated "heat" and "off" mode to enable the usage of the thermostat tile in the dashboard ? (maybe always heat if the temperature is not set to zero, else off)

And, one question : Does valve setting or set temperature prime. F.ex. If I set the valve to zero, will it still heat if the temperature falls below the set temperature ?

Many thanks in advance.

OK, I think I will give up on the Shelly. I see no progress here and it seems that Shelly is not really interested in supporting Hubitat for this TRV.

I bought one, but it's useless as long as it can't be used as a standard TRV (with the standard functions like others). My idea was to replace all my TRV's with this one as it has all to seduce customers, all but not the support.