Hard reset

I'm trying to do a hard reset of my C7 device but I only see the soft reset option in the diagnostics tool.
I've tried the soft reset and it doesn't wipe the Hubitat completely.
I want to reset it so I can give it to another family member.
Thank you!

@bobbyd can probably help you with that.

See the "What about a 'full reset'?" blurb in the docs for how to get what you're after:


Or basically, just do a soft reset (including checking the box to clear logs) after resetting the Zigbee and Z-Wave radios and making sure your hub is un-registered from my.hubitat.com should you have done the optional cloud registration.

Since you're giving it away to family, you can also worry about the cloud registration part later or just switch the admin account to them now (if they already have an account) or later without removing it from your account first, assuming they want to use this feature.

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Please check out this post:


Thanks @bobbyD couldn’t find that post for some reason.


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