Hand over to new owner

I’m selling my flat next week and putting a new Hubitat system in.

I’ve set it up with my email address on the account. I can’t see how to disconnect my cloud account so the new owner can create their own and I can’t get into it.

Note that in the process none of the programming can be lost.

How do you do this?

You will want to follow these steps, noting that the other account has to be created before you can do so:

You can also just de-register the hub (also on my.hubitat.com) and let the new owners register if they want, technically an optional step.

Note also that this refers to hub registration, not hub login security (also optional and something you can disable on the hub if you did set it up under Settings > Hub Login Security). It does not sound like this is what you mean, though it's possible.

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Obviously when you’re selling up you have to disconnect everything for the new owner (eg electricity meter) so they can connect themselves when they arrive.

I will never meet the new owner.

So I need a process where I can leave it floating with a local user but no cloud user, give them the local password and instructions how to create a cloud account.

The above re your comment that the new account had to exist before you do any of that.

So just do this, assuming you mean hub registration:

The hub does not need to be registered; it is optional, though some services (like use of the mobile app or, of course, optional subscription services that are tied to your account) would require it.

Again note that this is not the same as any "local" password you may have set up -- a password just to get into the user interface. That would be Hub Login Security, which you can simply remove.

This is not obvious, as I have no idea what devices you have on your hub or how they are connected.

Z-Wave and Zigbee devices (which are very common on Hubitat, likely the most popular protocols) do not care who uses them and would not require any reconfiguration if remaining on the same hub. If you have a cloud energy monitoring device or something else that requires an account, you -- or they -- will, of course, have to configure that with whatever account/credentials/etc., but hub registration or login security (above) would not play a part.


To add to @bertabcd1234 's last comment, which does refer to this.... Things like Google Home or Alexa integrations would also need to be removed and re-added by the new owners. Also, any mobile devices you have setup by connecting with the mobile app should be removed. Plus any cloud-based geofencing services, etc

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Ok thanks I’ll deregister

Just a thought. When I sold my last home I left behind two Ecobees and a ring doorbell. I set up a new Gmail account for the house and changed both of the registrations to the new email. Handed the new owner the email address and passwords. Done. Easy enough for them to eventually change it to something they prefer but no settings were lost.

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@bbrannon That's genius - thanks!!

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