Guide to portal device buttons

Is there a guide to how to interact with the various options of a device, from within portal.hubitat?

For example.
Now I can assume you enter the button number and then click the button to simulate as if you double tapped the button. But, a) why assume when it can be documented and b) that seems odd, coming at this from the Homeseer light switches. Double tap represents only one of two buttons, in effect double tap up and double tap down. There is also triple tap, etc.

How about Set Level
Just can not wrap my simple brain around this one. My brain says I want 50%, yet two fields.

Anyway, not complaints, just laying out some of my thoughts as I ask if there is a guide! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for bringing this up. I too have been struggling to understand how to use the options that are available for various device drivers.

The top field is the level, so for 50% enter 50. The lower field is optional ramp rate --> device dependent. Many of our drivers support the ramp rate value, but not all. If the corresponding device supports it, odds are that our driver does. This is in seconds.

On the general point of these fields not being labeled, we are aware of this shortcoming and plan to address it.

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This is dependent on the driver. Whatever driver you are using evidently only supports Double Tap, and not the others.

Is the idea that we need to set up or configure the buttons. IE, my switch has tap/hold/double tap/triple tap. Are we supposed to map the correct device button into that field such that rule machine triggers the right button when I call double tap in the programming... or is the field in the portal just for using the portal to interact with the device? I hope that is clear.

It appears that this driver doesn't fully support the device, as it doesn't show you any other commands (I assume) beyond Double Tap. In any event, Rule Machine only supports Pushed, Held, Double Tapped and Released, and the same is true for Button Controller. So at the moment it is not possible to use RM for triple tap, double tap top, double tap bottom, etc. Nor is it possible to issue those commands from the device page (what you are calling the portal).

The fields in the device details page simple send the basic commands to the device. This page is not intended to be a primary means of interacting with the device, but is useful for troubleshooting and verifying device operation.

Thanks Bruce. I think that then clarifies that the device page is just for testing, not configuring the device for RM or Smart Lighting. That is at least one question figured out! :slight_smile:


Whilst we are on the topic of buttons and doubletap, held etc. How do I select held in Motion Lighting App? I can see there is a dropdown box in Button Controller and RM, but not Motion Lighting?

Simple answer, you can't. Future feature perhaps. If you really need it, you could create a virtual switch, use it in Motion Lighting, and create a rule in RM or BC that turns it on, and in Motion Lighting that would do what you want done. It's a hacky way around not having Held in Motion Lighting.